Our firm
« David Rifflart set up a business in 2011. Simon Vandenbossche joined him in 2016 to create the firm RVDB and open offices in Lille and Béthune. RVDB expanded in 2019 with the arrival of a new partner, Hugues Merlet, and the opening of an office in Rennes. The structure of the firm enables every client to be immediately in direct contact with one of our partners. Professional, friendliness and proximity: these are the values we are committed to developing every day to support you throughout your projects. »
The team
Our firm primarily comprises experienced partners who will be immediately available to analyse your needs and provide you with personalised responses:

Qualification :
- Industrial Property Attorney, specialist field patents
- Professional Representative to the European Patent Office (EPO)
- Graduate of the CEIPI Strasbourg
- ENSAM Engineer (Arts et Métiers ParisTech) – class Li 195
- Member of the Association of Industrial Property Attorneys (ACPI)
- Member of of the International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys (FICPI)
Experience :
David began his career in 1998 as patent engineer in a Lille industrial property consultancy. In 2001 he joined Santerne Tertiaire of the Vinci Energies group, then Satelec of the FAYAT group, as business manager. In 2005 he decided to return to the profession of Industrial Property Attorney to devote his career working for various large French firms in Dijon and Lille. In 2011 he created the firm Rifflart, then in 2016 he partnered with Simon Vandenbossche to found RVDB.

Qualification :
- Industrial Property Attorney, specialist field patents
- Professional Representative to the European Patent Office (EPO)
- Graduate of the CEIPI Strasbourg
- ISEN Lille Engineer (Higher Institute for Electronics and Digital Training)
- Master of Science in Signal Processing at the University of London (Queen Mary College)
- Member of the Association of Industrial Property Attorneys (ACPI)
- Member of of the International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys (FICPI)
- Head of Action in the Hauts de France Region of the National Company of Industrial Property Attorneys (CNCPI)
Experience :
Simon began his career in 2004 as examiner at the INPI [French industrial property institute], where he in particular dealt with issues linked to software patentability. In 2008 Simon became an Industrial Property Attorney, working for various large French firms in Lille and Paris. In 2016 he partnered with David Rifflart to found RVDB.

Qualification :
- Industrial Property Attorney, specialist field patents
- Professional Representative to the European Patent Office (EPO)
- Graduate of the CEIPI Strasbourg
- ICAM Engineer (Institut Catholique d’Arts et Métiers)
Experience :
Hugues began his career in 1998 as business engineer in a company specialised in IT networks, before working at the INPI as examiner. In 2008 he joined Technicolor (formerly Thomson) where he practised the profession of patent engineer in the fields of telecommunications and image processing. During this period, Hugues was able to improve his knowledge of the US procedure by working for a year in the Princeton offices of the Technicolor patent department. In 2019, Hugues partnered with David Rifflart and Simon Vandenbossche within RVDB to manage the Rennes office.

Qualification :
- Graduate of the CEIPI Strasbourg
- ENSAM Engineer (Arts et Métiers ParisTech) – class Li 213
- Degree in Industrial Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique Montréal
Experience :
Antoine joined RVDB in 2019 as patent engineer. His training as general engineer enables him to work in all technical fields. New to the profession, Antoine systematically works alongside one of the partners of the firm.

Camille Machut - Legal administrator
Qualification :
- Certified Patent Administrator
Experience :
Camille joined RVDB in January 2021 as a legal assistant. Her varied tasks include managing and monitoring files, specific administrative aspects, and maintaining communication with the firm's clients. Thanks to her excellent mastery of the fundamentals of industrial property, particularly with regards to patent procedures (she is currently studying for the Patents Assistant Certificate), Camille can answer your questions together with the Consultant in charge of your file.

Qualification :
- Industrial Property Attorney, specialist field patents
- Professional Representative to the European Patent Office (EPO)
- Graduate of the CEIPI Strasbourg
- PhD. thesis on signal processing and telecommunications (Université Rennes II - CNET)
Experience :
Lilian began his career in 1997 as image processing research engineer for the Institut National de Recherche Scientifique (Montréal), before joining Canon CRF in 1998. In 2004, Lilian decided to switch to the profession of patent engineer in the fields of telecommunications and telephone and local networks. He joined an industrial property firm in Rennes, and in 2012 he returned to Industry, joining the patent department of Technicolor, then Interdigital in 2018. In 2020, Lilian partnered with David Rifflart, Simon Vandenbossche and Hugues Merlet within RVDB.

Loïc OSHOWSKI - Patent engineer
Qualification :
- Supmeca Paris engineer
Experience :
Loïc began his career in 2010 as a design office engineer for the Legrand group, the world leader in electrical wearing devices. First in the quality department on international projects, then in the research and innovation department, he developed his expertise in the design and manufacture of electrical components. In 2015, he decided to join the Adeo group, the European leader in mass distribution in the DIY sector, to develop new product ranges. He works in particular on lighting and electrical products. After 10 years spent in the service of large groups, Loïc changed his universe and created his company to become an electrician. In 2022, Loïc joins RVDB where he becomes a patent engineer.

Qualification :
- Industrial Property Consultant (CPI) accredited by the French Industrial Property Institute (INPI), patents of invention
- European agent accredited by the European Patents Office (EPO)
- CEIPI Graduate (patents of invention)
- Master of Science in Intellectual Property Management (Queen Mary College, University of London)
- Engineer, INSA Rennes (Nanotechnology and Optoelectronics)
- DEA (Master of Advanced Studies) in Solid-state Physics (University of Rennes 2)
- Quality engineer, optoelectronic components: 2 years in industry (SAGEM)
- Patent engineer: 14 years in an IP firm (D Young & Co in London, Beau de Loménie in Paris/Nantes, RVDB since 2022)
Experience :
Jean-Marie began his career in 2004 as a quality engineer, specialising in the study of optoelectronic components (SAGEM). He trained in intellectual property in London before joining a major British law firm in 2007 to work as a patent engineer. In 2008, he joined one of the main French IP firms, where for 13 years he perfected his skills in the protection and defence of innovation for major industrial groups, SMEs, start-ups and research laboratories, with a particular focus on the IT, software, and information and communications technologies (ICT) sectors. In particular, he supported clients in mobile telephony litigation. In 2022, he joined RVDB as a partner, to manage the Nantes office.

Benoît LIENARD - Partner
Qualification :
- French Patent Attorney
- European Patent Attorney
- Graduated from CEIPI in Strasbourg (Patents major)
- Master of Science in Intellectual Property Management (BRUNEL University of London, UK)
- PhD in Chemical Biology (DPhil - OXFORD University, UK)
- Post-graduate advanced degree in Medicinal and Biomolecules Chemistry (University of Montpellier)
- Chemist Engineer graduated from ENSCM (National School of Chemistry of Montpellier)
Experience :
Having begun his career as a researcher at Oxford University, Benoît moved into the field of industrial property in 2007, holding the position of patent engineer with a London firm renowned for its resolutely business-oriented approach. From the outset, he was strongly influenced by a culture of customer proximity and the strategic use of intellectual property as a lever for business development. In 2009, he joined a renowned international IP firm, where, for six years, he put his skills to work for a varied clientele including major industrial groups, SMEs, start-ups and research laboratories, specializing in particular in the pharmaceutical, cosmetics, phytosanitary, medical technology and polymer sectors. In 2015, Benoît took the next step by co-founding an innovative biotech company in the field of tissue regeneration. For over eight years, he held key positions there, such as head of intellectual property, managing director, as well as member and vice-chairman of the board, consolidating his expertise and strategic vision in the biotech sector. In 2024, he joined Cabinet RVDB as Managing Partner and took charge of the Paris offices. In this position, he offers his clients the full benefit of his experience and unique combination of skills encompassing the fields of Science, Business and Law. This tripartite approach enables him to provide customized, sophisticated advice and strategic support, aligned with his clients' future business and growth objectives.

Magalie De Ville - Patent engineer
Qualification :
- Industrial Property Attorney, specialist field patents
- Graduate of the CEIPI Strasbourg
- PhD. thesis on Micro and Nanotechnology (University of Lille)
- ISEN Lille engineer
Experience :
Magalie began her career as a patent engineer in 2015 with a French IP firm (Dijon). She then reoriented her career towards the valorization of research from French public laboratories for 7 years with the SATT Nord (Lille). To get back in touch with industry and SMEs, she joined RVDB in 2024.

Stéphanie OSHOWSKI- Paralegal
Qualification :
- Degree in English – 2005
- Secondary school teacher’s diploma in English - 2006
Experience :
Magalie began her career as a patent engineer in 2015 with a French IP firm (Dijon). She then reoriented her career towards the valorization of research from French public laboratories for 7 years with the SATT Nord (Lille). To get back in touch with industry and SMEs, she joined RVDB in 2024.

Arnaud GOURRAGNE- Patent engineer
Qualification :
- INSA Toulouse engineer (Network and Telecommunication)
- CEIPI Graduate (patents of invention)
Experience :
Arnaud began his career in 2010 as a network and telecoms engineer providing services for major French manufacturers (Airbus, Enedis, Dassault Aviation) on projects involving telecommunications via IP networks. In 2018, he reoriented his career towards industrial property, becoming an examining engineer at INPI, processing patent applications in the field of networks and telecommunications. In 2024, Arnaud joined RVDB as a patent engineer.
Our Offices
We have offices for you to visit in Béthune, Lille, Rennes, Nantes and Paris but we prefer meetings at our client’s premises in order to best understand your activity, your products, your environment and your issues.
Tél : + 33 (0) 9 67 79 86 55
Mail : contact@rvdb-ip.com
85 Place Marmottan BP 30247
62405 Béthune Cedex
87 Rue Nationale
59000 Lille
44 Rue Lariboisière
35235 Thorigné-Fouillard
2 rue Crucy
44005 Nantes Cédex 1
27, avenue de l'Opéra
75001 Paris